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What can I do?

In case of a nonstandard
or issues, the visitors
connects directly to
M2C Space operator

Screen visual
Option of hi-tech humanoid or "live" receptionist (blonde, brunette)
Touch screen
Fast and easy selection of reason for visit and nav ligation to other nearby services

Space for your logos

Document reader
Scanning and fast authentication of submitted documents

Card dispenser
Dispensing of access
cards to open the door
or call the elevator
QR code reader
In case of confirmed visit, you receive
a QR code via
MMS or email

Technical components
Variable depending
on the purpose and location of device
Co vše umím?
ENG co vše umím
M2C e-Reception is an innovative and technological device.
Thanks to an individual solution according to your needs and requirements,
it is possible to place it in any type of building, e.g. office building,
business centre, hotel, school, hospital, logistics centre,
Installation and service of an electronic receptionist will be carried
out by our professionals.

Introducing our receptionist
Choose my design

Choose how shall I look

Contact us
Vladislavova 1390/17
110 00 Prague 1 - Nové Město
Non-binding demand
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